Is your child or teenager feeling down? Have they changed lately and they do not seem to be the child you once knew so well? Has it been difficult to ascertain from them what they are thinking or feeling? If your son or daughter is willing to see a professional to talk about what they are going through then it could be the beginning of their pathway out of the misery. Sometimes young people need a safe space to open up and discuss their worries with a therapist to build their confidence in identifying and communicating their needs to their loved ones.

How Do I Apologise After a Fight?

When apologizing to your partner after a fight, it’s important to approach the situation withRead More

What to do if your partner suffers from anxiety?

If your partner suffers from anxiety, there are several things you can do to supportRead More

What is CBT?

CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It is a type of psychotherapy or talk therapyRead More